Distant light blue green fields and canvases that act like sails…

Another great sunny morning in the North West which most bode well for the Grand National not that far away at Aintree.

Meanwhile in my field in Storeton the wind that was not there yesterday was back with a vengeance  today and I had to keep one foot on the easel to stop it blowing away as the canvas made a very good sail….

The painting went well in particular the second canvas I worked on ‘portrait blue-green’ that was great to paint, with the narrow horizontal strips of fields in the distance getting progressively more blue as they went out to the horizon. The far woods were a pale blue along with the evenly spaced electric pylons making great markers to work with. This painting the best worked on this week, down to better drawing foundation I think.

Just enforces my opinion that any painting has to be based on a strong drawing as a solid foundation.

Portrait blue-green



Storeton canvas 3
