Pollie – Monday Work and Story behind the picture…

Today’s work below on the Pollie painting…

The story behind the picture is a sad one.

My mother’s nick name was Pollie, though I always assumed it was spelt Polly. After some research by my brother and confirmation from my South African cousins it appears that my mum’s Aunt Pollie was given new shoes when she was still young for her birthday in South Africa and that she climbed up on to the kitchen table to show them off to the family. I would imagine that she started to dance with happiness ….. but then she fell from the table and died from the fall.

So from what may well have been the happiest moment of her life up to that point….. it turned to complete sadness for the family in the fraction of the second.

My mum was nick named in her memory…

So dark/light in the painting associated with happiness/sadness.

The painting as I work on it seems to be influenced by Balthus and Hopper in style.
